Start-Up Now Allows Crypto Pay For Real Life Mortgages Houses

Blockchain Crypto projects News

The question of just how “real” the market for the NFT is has been haunting it all year. To be fair, crypto faced same doubts about its “real life use and value” many years ago until it hit $60k in worth per coin with millions of businesses now accepting crypto and thousands of crypto exchanges letting you easily cash it out.

Well, here we have an amazing example of a working merger between the real life needs and technology, a truly offline business and crypto.

Here comes Milo.IO – a huge new start-up that allows you to back up buying a real life, hard built house by your online crypto assets. 

This path has been a long one, yet this Milo crypto mortgage payment start-up is one of the first examples (beside the Gaming, Music & Fashion industries) of Crypto & NFT coming into our daily lives. 

Moreover, experts say shortly we would be able to buy anything from sports tickets to art and houses in a Crypto / NFT blockchain combo. 

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