AI Could Be The Future of Email Marketing

Artificial Intelligence

As technology advances, artificial intelligence is becoming a very prominent adoption in order to automate and improve previously manual tasks. These technologies are soon to be adopted by email marketing groups, but you can get a head start on it by learning what the AI will analyze, and integrate these subjects into your current promotions.

Personalization is important. Studies have shown that generic email marketing campaigns are significantly less successful than personalized ones, with personalized emails sometimes reaching an astounding 139% increase in click-through rates when compared to generic ones. Soon, AI will be capable of studying past campaigns and statistics and creating personalized advertisements for each customer. According to Accenture, 91% of customers are more likely to do business with brands when relevant, personalized offers and recommendations are given, rather than general sales.

Subject lines are the most noticeable part of an email. Your prospect has to be interested in your subject line first if you want any chance in the opening of your email. By analyzing past subject lines and data such as a number of words and capitalization, artificial intelligence can determine the perfect subject line for the highest ROI (Rate Of Interaction) possible.

AI will be a major influence on email marketing as we know it and is sure to reinvent some aspects of it. For more information on the future of artificial intelligence, we recommend this article by multichannelmerchant.


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