Apple Releases FAQ Regarding Security Complaints Over Image Scanning Plans


Apple’s most recent announcement was met with backlash, as security and cryptography experts expressed their fears regarding the possible ramifications of the planned technology. To attempt to combat this outcry, Apple has released a series of FAQs. Here are some of the key takeaways from the documentation.

One of the major issues posed by the public was the possibility of false positives flagging innocent accounts. Apple has refuted this, stating that the chances of a incorrect flagging of an account is one in one trillion, every year.

Secondly, Apple has made it clear that it will only be capable of viewing iCloud Photos marked as potential Child Sexual Abuse Materials, and only these images. Any images not saved to iCloud Photos will be completely untouched by the scanning system.

To read the full FAQ, click here.

Photo by Laurenz Heymann on Unsplash


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