Brave Search Released in Beta

Written by

John Biggs

Published on

June 25, 2021

Time reading

1 minute

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The popular privacy-based company Brave has recently released the beta for its Brave Search browser, which is focused on providing a safe and secure competitor to Google. The key features of Brave Search are its innovative methods of keeping its user’s data away from prying eyes. The browser reportedly scrapes some trackers and ads off of sites, keeping the experience as anonymous as possible.

Another interesting feature is Brave searches interesting monetization system, in which the Users of the engine will receive a portion of profits made from advertising. These rewards will be given through BAT tokens, or Basic Attention Tokens. These tokens can also be sent as Tips towards websites, in order to support them.

For more information about Brave search, see this article by msn

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash