Fashion Adapts NFT – More Industries to Come?


As the NFT marketplace grew a few billion this year already, seemingly with no end in sight – another news of a new industry conquered has arrived this month. 

Companies as renowned and desired amongst fashion icons, businesses and consumers such as Hermès Birkin or Kelly, know a lot of the influence in the fashion industry comes from exclusivity, price, outfits so they ventured with new – NFT exclusive project into this new Metaverse plane of reality…

As the market value of the NFT grows to $41 billion now, this new acquiring of an ally industry seems like the next logical step to do for NFT money makers online, savvy people with a tech angle to it. 

In similar fashion (no pun intended) to how easily NFT single handily took over the Art world and art pieces preservation and collecting, now Fashion world comes to the same desire.

While according to some experts, the metaverse is known to sort of the tangible aspect that captivates many in the fashion industry, it is a new way to experience wearing and using beautiful pieces digitally on a personal avatar. Lokesh Rao, CEO of Trace Network Labs, previously was quoted saying that “a digital avatar can wear any garment without any constraints of type, design, fabric and use.” 

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