Ford to Starbucks – America’s Corporate Rolls Out Huge NFT Projects

Written by

Kasper Kaminsky

Published on

October 29, 2022

Time reading

2 minutes

Post all that talk in the past of just how “niche” the crypto is (and it went global) and same for NFT art collectibles earlier this year… Well, let’s just say that the pivot and table turning by the corporate America just couldn’t have been more dramatic! FORD TO STARBUCKS – AMERICA’s CORPORATE ROLLS OUT HUGE NFT PROJECTS.

Many experts report on a whole slew of US biggest, “old era, old school” business empires shifting. NFT project shifting more like. Shifting from the coffee making Starbucks semi-monopolist all the way to a centennial old Ford Motors in Detroit – rolling huge NFT projects this Fall season. 

But why would companies so diverse in their market (and not necessarily all that dependent, per se, on the Digital or Web world) do that?

Well, welcome to the Metaverse – a huge new $trillion market people project will change the Business and especially online. 

So, just to name a few players rolling out NFT related projects this Fall: 

Sony Music files trademark application for NFT-authenticated music Sony Music Entertainment as it displayed an immense liking in NFTs.

… Ford is Ready to enter the Metaverse with virtual Cars and NFT collectibles for their customers. Also for some transactions in the future. The car company filed 19 major trademark applications across its car brands. 

Starbucks announces new NFT experience for coffee members as it unfolds its Customer Loyalty, stamp and rewards (hence transaction increasing) program.


All with the newly christened Starbucks Odyssey. The stamps will allow them access to unique experiences as they collect more points. FORD TO STARBUCKS – AMERICA’s CORPORATE ROLLS OUT HUGE NFT PROJECTS.

Even the Japanese gov’t issues NFTs to reward local authorities…

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