How Can an Engineering Manager Help Your Startup?

News Startups

Starting a startup is no easy task, and with the challenges that come with becoming an entrepreneur, you must make many difficult decisions, one of which is whether or not your startup needs engineering managers. Here are some important things to keep in mind about whether your startup should hire one, and if you should in the first place.

Firstly, while it may seem daunting to hire an engineering manager too early, missing your can lead to severe repercussions for your company. While they can solve help solve the issues surrounding your company, waiting too long to hire one can lead to you missing your mark. Whatever problems you may have will likely compound over time, and waiting too long to solve them can cause irreversible problems even the best managers are unable to solve. When deciding whether or not to hire a manager, timing is crucial.

An important aspect to understand is your companies fundamental structure. The smaller your workforce, the less likely you need an engineering manager. Smaller teams might not need to be managed as well, but the number of people exponentially increases the communication required to organize them all. For example, in order for a group of 9 people to stay communicative with one another, 36 connections are required. But grow your team to 50 people, and suddenly you need 1225 connections in order to maintain communication. It’s issues like these that engineering managers are most helpful with, concerning the organization of the company.

For more information regarding engineering managers and their pros and cons, we recommend’s great blog post.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash


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