“Patience’s Journey” for Adept Marketing.

Main information
RegionWeb App
Type4 people
Industry3 month
DurationTechnology we used
Project overview
A highly interactive website design that utilized looping, fullscreen background video as well as ambient sound effects and more.
Solution Provided
Project Management, Frontend Development, QA
The Covid19 Pandemic disrupted the typical method that Compassion used to educate volunteers and supporters— involving a semi-truck that travels the United States and sets up in a community for a few days. Within the truck’s trailer is a realistic representation of a developing country’s environment where participants step into the environment to experience the story of a child growing up in that setting. That experience served as a successful channel for the brand, driving many conversions by inspiring people to sponsor a child, and the original plan was to host Patience’s Journey within that mobile environment.
However, with lockdowns in place across most of the country, in-person meetings became impossible. Adept was tasked with solving this problem and came to us to help activate their designs. Specific Technical Challenges To Overcome The store locator feature in the legacy apps was the key feature used by consumers. It did not exist in the main bill-paying app that the users would be transitioning to so it needed to be recreated in the target app.
Essentially, this meant that there were two complete projects running in parallel, assigned to this product manager.
Adept proposed an advanced, highly interactive website design that utilized looping, fullscreen background video as well as ambient sound effects and more. However this had also had to work seamlessly on mobile devices where that kind of interaction could be battery-intensive.