VisibleMagic Founders Share Insights after Web Summit 2023

AR-VR News Tech Web3

Visible Magic recently attended Web Summit 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal and after some reflection, it’s finally time to share some thoughts. Design, management, and maintenance of various AR, VR, and mobile application products is the company forte, so there was a lot to share.


During the event co-founders Jay Donovan and Viktor Shpak demoed Visible Magic’s latest product, a shoe-sizing app called Sizer AR, and it really connected with event visitors. In an interview, they opened up about the journey — the ups, downs, and the lessons learned. Insights gained from the event were definitely a goldmine.


Mingling With Bright People

“The scale of the event and the sheer number of attendees that came through the doors on any one day felt almost impossible to manage” admitted Donovan. “We were literally busy from the minute the doors opened until we left the venue and headed for dinner late in the evening.”


Their booth was a solid meeting point for investors, and industry players in multiple industries ranging from Sony to Cartier to Epicenter to NEC. “We met a lot of different companies and it gave us a nice view of the market scene for potential collaborative prospects,” Shpak added.


Any startup that’s run a live demo during an interactive event can attest to the anxiety that activity can manifest. “I’m not going to lie; we were nervous getting everything set up that morning, but we worked on this software for over a year and it’s solid, so we just followed our strategy,” Shpak reminisced. The preparation paid off, as more people than they had initially expected passed through their booth. “The live demos were well received by the visitors,” Donovan added.


Reflecting the Summit

Looking back on the event, Donovan noted how being prepared and adaptable was important. “Things go wrong. Cables stop working…you really have to think about so many scenarios—operational AND strategic.” Shpak agreed and chipped in saying “…and connecting with visitors and understanding where their questions are coming from (about our product) is important…each chat is different from the last so it’s important to listen and answer appropriately.” Regardless, the duo brought home many networking and growth opportunities.


Any Advice?

Their advice to startups eyeing similar events – prep hard and stay flexible. “You never know what door each conversation might open, so stay curious and connect,” Shpak advised. 


“Go check out other booths. Meet as many people as you can. Talk to other startups and see how they interact and answer questions. Don’t reinvent the wheel, just listen and learn from others,” Donovan noted.


Shpak added “Yeah, it’s not just about shaking hands, it’s about making real connections and soaking up knowledge.”


So, in retrospect, the Web Summit 2023 was a whirlwind of activities, challenges, lessons, and growth for VisibleMagic. We’ll see you there again next year!


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