Spatial Computing Trends to Watch in 2024

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spatial computing development

Spatial computing is a fast-growing theme that has the potential to become the way we cooperate with the world around us. In 2024, trends will light up the future of this appealing technology. Currently, a spatial computing company like Apple stands among other prominent players such as Meta and Amazon, leading the charge in popularizing this technology.

We offer you to enter on an instructive journey through our blog post, where we will tell you the latest insights and talk about the trends of spatial computing you should watch in 2024 as they unfold.

So, let’s figure them out!

What are spatial platforms in general?

Basically, spatial platforms are just dynamic ecosystems, that represent different immersive and collaborative experiences. There are several spatial platforms, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies.

Such platforms allow spatial computing companies to create different kinds of applications. Spatial platforms often leverage the difference of technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things, enhancing the overall spatial experience.

The rise of augmented reality (AR)

First of all, let’s take a look at augmented reality. It is one of the most exciting areas of spatial computing. It overlays digital information into the real world, letting users interact with virtual objects in their environment. AR-powered spatial computing devices are poised to revolutionize various industries, including education, healthcare, manufacturing, and entertainment. In 2024, we can expect to see even more usage of AR. But you should remember, that spatial technology continues to improve and become more affordable.

One of the key drivers of AR adoption in 2024 will be the improvement of AR headsets. New headsets will be lighter, more comfortable, and have higher-resolution displays. These improvements will make augmented reality more accessible and enjoyable for a wider range of users.

Another factor driving AR adoption is the increasing availability of content. Every day we can see new apps and games that are becoming or used to be popular. Back in 2017, IKEA released “IKEA Place”. An app, that lets people place more than 3200 objects into their space, to make sure it fits the size or design. Businesses also started using AR to enhance their products and services. With its help, people are about to find a new experience and emotions more easily, than before.

The growth of mixed reality (MR)

MR is both spatial AR and virtual reality (VR) combined. MR combines the real as well as the virtual worlds in such a way that the user can interact with both of them at the time same. While AR is an applied concept but is still far from being exploited fully, MR has quite a ways to go before reaching its full potential. Mixed reality has the potential to change the way things are done much more than AR would ever do. Spatial technology should find itself in more areas of application as it continues to mature by 2024.

Some of the major growth areas predicted for MR in 2024 include the workplace. MR can increase productivity and collaboration in almost all sectors possibly involving manufacturing, healthcare, and education. In these sectors, MR may promote training by offering opportunities to practice, simulating real-world scenarios, and collaborating with people located remotely.

Another area where MR is expected to grow is in the consumer market. Mixed reality headsets are becoming more affordable, and developers are creating new and exciting MR experiences. In 2024, we can expect to see more MR applications for gaming, entertainment, and education. But what about the price?

Influence of Lower Spatial Computing Costs on User Adoption

Computing devices, such as AR and VR headsets, are nice spatial examples of super affordable ways to get into different realities. This makes spatial computing more accessible to a wider range of people. In 2024, we can expect to see even more affordable devices on the market, as competition in the industry increases.

One of the key factors driving the affordability of spatial computing devices is the increasing adoption of mobile processors. Mobile processors are becoming more powerful and technological, making them the best option for powering these headsets. More often it leads to the development of more affordable spatial VR and AR headsets that are powered by mobile processors.

Another factor is the increasing availability of open-source hardware and software. They can help to reduce the cost of developing and manufacturing spatial computing devices. This is leading to the development of cheaper headsets that are built with open-source components.

The development of new spatial computing applications

Nowadays developers always come up with new and innovative ways to use spatial computing. This year, we can expect to see even more exciting and groundbreaking applications. Some of the potential applications for spatial computing include:

  • Gaming: Spatial computing can be used to create new impressive and exciting gameplay, that is beyond the capabilities of traditional gaming.
  • Education: to create engaging and interactive learning experiences that help students to understand complex concepts.
  • Healthcare: to provide remote medical care and training, as well as to create new medical treatments.
  • Manufacturing: to improve productivity and safety in manufacturing environments.

The convergence of spatial computing with other technologies

Spatial computing is converging with other technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT). This combo creates new possibilities for spatial computing. For example, AI and ML can be used to improve the accuracy and reliability of spatial computing systems. The IoT can be used to connect spatial computing devices to the real world.

In 2024, we can also expect to see even more merges between spatial computing and other technologies. For example, we can expect to see AI and ML being used to create more realistic and immersive spatial computing experiences. We can also expect to see the IoT being used to connect spatially, like other technologies.

The regulation of spatial computing

As the reach of spatial computing continues growing, one must take a moment to think about what its potential dangers are or merits. Governments are starting to equip themselves to regulate spatial computing on their soils. By 2024, more legislation will have been passed concerning how spatial computing is utilized.

More other governments are developing regulation possibilities that may be used to address such risks yet at the same ensure spatial computing is critically applied safely and responsibly. Some of the potential realizes to ensure this include:

  • Privacy regulations: these would require a spatial computing device to be accountable for the user data collection and usage.
  • Safety regulation: they set the standard of the safety needs regarding spatial computing devices and applications.
  • Bias regulation: to ensure the security of spatial computing applications is not biased.

Regulatory issues of spatial computing are tricky, and there is no easy solution as of today. But it’s important to start thinking about them now as spatial computing spreads fast.

Wrap up

Spatial computing is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. In 2024 we should expect to show several trends shaping the future of spatial computing. It includes the rise of AR, the growth of MR, and the increasing affordability of spatial computing devices. As well as the development of new spatial computing applications, the convergence of spatial computing with other technologies, and the regulation of spatial computing.

Сhanging the way we work, play, learn, and interact with each other. We are still in the early stages of the spatial computing revolution, but the future looks bright.


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